Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Give the Gift of Golf to the Elementary School Children of Your Community

Golf provides children with the ability to develop fundamental movement skills as well as life-enhancing values such as confidence, integrity, esteem, determination and etiquette.

Through the National Golf in Schools (NGIS) program and charitable donations from the community, thousands of children have been introduced to the game as part of their elementary school PE classes since the program’s inception in May, 2009.

Yet, with schools battling ever-increasing physical education budget constraints, many Canadian children are still not being introduced to this great game.

Developed by Physical and Health Education Canada, in partnership with the Royal Canadian Golf Association (RCGA) and the Canadian Professional Golfers’ Association, the National Golf in Schools Program has been designed to enable elementary school teachers - regardless of their golf knowledge, skill or background - the ability to deliver essential physical education learning through the sport of golf.

The reality is that not all schools are able to afford this program.

The “Adopt a School” initiative has been developed to encourage individuals, groups of individuals, or businesses to support the program by funding the cost of the NGIS program package for a school of their choosing.

The package comes at a cost of $475, which includes shipping and handling costs. Private donors are eligible to receive a tax receipt for this charitable disbursement. You can also support the program for any nominal amount and all donations of $20 or more will receive a tax receipt.

Adopt a school today and help provide youth in your community with the gift of physical literacy. Your gift will also help to increase student knowledge and appreciation for the sport of golf. Your donation could even lead to the development of future golfing greats!

To adopt a school please contact Ted Logan at 1-800-263-0009 ext. 204 or via email at
More information is also available online at

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